My current workouts and fitness tips video is live!

Hello chicas!! I hope you are all having an amazing weekend so far!
I was supposed to let you know video was live last night but the file was a heavy one so I finished uploading it past midnight and Saturday was crazy busy for me so I didn't have time to make a post during the day so here I am, making this post before heading to bed after a busy day and night , but it was firework and wine at night so it 's all good, I can 't complain!! ha ha
Anyways on my last video I talked about the workouts or fitness programs/classes I am taking at the gym at the moment, I also explained what I used to do when I used to workout at home ( Before I joined the gym), and also gave a quick diet tips to help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals.
Just like I mentioned on the video, I am NOT by any means a fitness or nutrition profesional, I am NOT certified ( I thought about getting my personal trainer certification but I decided to focus on my Veterinary assistant course instead but I might become a certified personal trainer sometime in the future, you never know!, right now working with animals is my priority ) so the advice I give on the video is based on what worked for ME, which doesn't mean it will work for you, everybody is different, every organism is different, you might have a faster metabolism than mine, or slower so keep that in mind when you listen to my advice.
I have been into fitness and eating clean for a while now and I know what works for me ( Believe me, I learn new stuff every day and I have my bumps on the road ( AKA, I eat like a pig for a weekend, then start my diet again on Monday and maybe fall again a couple weeks later..., it happens, we are all humans and sometimes we fall down, the important thing is how many times we get up and get back to it!! :)
So set a goal for yourself (a realistic one) focus and get there, you can do it!
What you will need is mostly willpower!, strength and the ability to understand that to eat healthy and workout shouldn't be a diet you do before summer, just to get in shape and look hot in a bikini, you should see this as a lifestyle because that 's what it s :), enjoy the ride and do it not only to look hot in a bikini but for your health as well, it feels good to be healthy, strong and fit!! :)

Here 's the link for my latest video:


Here are the workouts/ fitness programs mentioned on the video:

* P90X

* Insanity

* Zumba Fitness

* Body pump/ group power

* Barre Fitness

* Boot Camp ( forgot to mention it on the vid)

* Tabata ( Interval training)

* Piyo

* Pilates

I will be making more fitness and nutrition videos in the future and as usual, if there's some video you would like to make please leave me a comment down below and I will try my best to do it.

Thank you much for watching and don 't forget to LIKE the video if you found it helpful and  to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for lots more videos on beauty, fitness and more!!

Have a great rest of the weekend!!


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