Arbonne cosmetics samples haul

Hello there ladies!!
So here I am, making an another post on my Blog and it s about the cruelty free cosmetics brand ARBONNE :)
A friend of mine works for them and she was nice enough to send me a few free samples for me to try and review on my channel so I am very thankful for that.

The products she sent me samples from were:

* Make up primer

* RE9 Advance anti aging products

* Smoothing facial cleanser

* Regenerating toner

* Intensive renewal serum

* Corrective eye cream

* Restorative day cream ( SPF 20)

* Extra moisture restorative day cream ( SPF 20)

* Night repair cream ( SPF 20)

Hair products

Pure vibrance

* Lustre fortifying shampoo

* Fortifying cream conditioner

* Colorblast hair serum

Here s the link for the video:

I am very excited to try them out because all the RE9 products are anti aging creams and since I turned 31 last June, I gotta really start taking care of my skin ( I know I should have started around 25 but I started only a couple years ago...)
Like I mention on my video, I think that when it comes to prevent aging signs you gotta be PRO ACTIVE and prevent expression lines, wrinkles, etc before they start appearing in your skin, it might be a lil bit too late for me because I already have some fine expression lines around my eyes ( you cannot notice them on cam but I know they are there...) and finding a product that helps me reduce those not wanted aging signs that would be AMAZING! and if I can achieve that with cruelty free products ( meaning this company doesn't test on animals) well then that s MUCH MUCH better! :)
I know I have mentioned and use a few NON cruelty free products on my channel/ blog but I plan to go 100 % cruelty free eventually.
Nowadays it 's pretty hard to find cruelty free companies that are affordable, there are 2 brands I used to buy all the time ( NYX cosmetics and Milani), they were great options because those companies didn't do any animal testing and they were affordable and easy to get an any drugstore ( well at least in the US), but I found out from another You Tuber that those companies are not cruelty free anymore :( so that s a big bummer for me, I really liked them but I don t like them as much now that I know they make innocent creatures suffer just so we can wear a lipstick or eyeshadow....
Anyways, enough talk about sad topics for now..

Going back to the Arbonne products, I will be testing them very soon and I will let you know how it goes, if they work for me, if I see improvement, etc.

Here are my friend's Monique links so you can order the products from her or get more info about any of their products, I am sure she will be able to help you find the right product that suits your needs :)

Oh, she also told me to contact her before you order anything because she can get you some GOOD discounts so please do that before buying anything so you can save yourself some $$
Tell her Leslie sent you so she knows if people have been reading my Blog/ channel :)

My friend's Monique links are:

E mail:

Facebook page:

So that is all for now, I will be back with another video and post tomorrow ( Wednesday) and as I always tell you, feel free to leave me comments here, or on my You Tube channel or shoot me an e mail and request videos you would like to see.

Ways you can contact me are:

E mail:

My You Tube channel:

Instagram: bairesgirl

My Facebook page:

Have a great rest of the week and stay pretty my friends!! xoxo



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