I am back!!!!! and with some examples of Paleo dishes for you guys :)

It seems like it has been forever since my last post in here.....
I m sorry sorry sorry everyone!! but I have been busy with life in general and focusing on my You Tube channel instead so for one reason or another I haven't had time to update my Blog for over 10 days now... ouch!!
To make it up to you I m posting some pics of my favorite paleo dishes that I ve enjoyed during my 4 weeks of full paleo and I will continue to enjoy now ( remember, I m still doing Paleo due to the great results I got ( lost 10.6 lbs total) but I m also enjoying myself once a week with some yummy treat meal!!
Here are some of my fave Paleo dishes, hope you like them and if you have any questions, please leave me a comment here or on my Youtube channel and I will get back to you asap!
Have a great weekend!!


Fish and sweet potato fries

Sausage and peppers

Pork chops with sweet potato fries and bell peppers

Banana pancakes with almond butter

Fish, salsa and guacamole

Beef patty with bell peppers

Pork chops with salsa and guacamole

Sausage, bell peppers, guacamole, salsa and egg whites with mushrooms 

Fish, guacamole, bell peppers, egg whites with mushrooms

Jerk chicken with carrots

Bacon and eggs

My links:

 Follow me on Instagram: bairesgirl

Follow me on Twitter @ bairesgirl83

Check out my Facebook page: http://facebook.com/lesliebairesgirl

Check out my Youtube channel: http://youtube.com/lesliebairesgirl

 Check out my Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/bairesgirl ( I post lots of Paleo recipes, beauty tips, fashion, etc there)

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