
Showing posts from 2014

More videos up and first impressions on the Fullips lip enhancer :):)

Hello everyone!! And Happy Tuesday!! I know I m making this post a lil bit later than expected and I apology for that ladies. A few new, cool videos went up on my channel since my last post so let me list them and link them below:   Loca por el otonio TAG   DIY: Lip scrub and plumper   And my fave video from all 3 is: Fullips lip enhancer: Make your lips fuller without surgery : Make your lips fuller and sexier without surgery ( and I will probably make an update video after 2 or 3 weeks of use to let you know how it works in the long run, something like a full review let's say :) You can purchase Fullips lip enhancers on their  website or on my amazon store page right HERE   * I got mine on amazon and that's how I got 2 enhancers for the price of one,not sure how it works when you order straight from them... I have two more videos coming up this week ( one is already recorded, the other one is not), I have a few ideas for my upcoming

September faves, Sweater weather TAG ( Spanish version) and You Tube TAG ( English version) videos are live!

Hello everyone!! :) I should have made this post on Friday but for one reason or another I didn't have time then the weekend went by super fast and well... here I m, making this post a couple days later... I wanted to let you know that 3 new videos went up last week and you watch them on my YouTube channel HERE and I am going to list the 3 new videos separately below :) * September 2014 favorites *  Temporada de sweater TAG  ( Spanish version of  the " sweater weather TAG) * You Tube TAG ( English version)   I hope you guys enjoy these videos and don't forget to subscribe to my channel! :) I have been starting getting lots of comments and new subscribers there and I gotta say I love it, I love interacting with people and it makes my channel way more fun than when I first opened it. I have some DIY beauty ideas for my upcoming videos and I can't wait to share them with all of you :) Also, once I can get a vanity mirror I will be able to film make

Requests for videos in Spanish and " Fall obsessed TAG " videos went live this week :)

Hello everyone!! :) I hope you guys are having a great weekend so far! :) I wanted to make this quick post to let you know what my other 2 new videos in my channel were this week and some changes that will be happening here on my Blog at least for a while :) I uploaded 2 new videos on my You Tube channel after my last post on Monday and those videos are: * Que videos en Espanol les gustaria ver?? ( What videos in Spanish would you like to request?) You can watch it HERE * " Fall obsessed TAG" ( Featuring my foster doggy Trinity) and you can watch it HERE So those are my 2 new videos that went live this week along with my " Bath and Body Works fall haul" video which went live on Monday and you can watch it HERE , I got some LOVELY stuff and I cannot wait until I visit that store again, they have awesome candles, body lotions, etc. About the changes coming up on my Blog it's basically that I used to have a posting schedule in the past ( I would eith

My Bath and Body Works fall HAUL video is live! :)

Hello there guys!! Hope you are starting your week right! :) On this post I wanted to let you guys know that first of all, I had blast in NYC last Friday but due to feeling very weird and embarrassed while trying to " Vlog" I am not quite sure if i m gonna post that video online...., I m gonna try to edit it and see how it came out and If it s decent I will post it on my You Tube channel but If I feel it 's not ok then you are gonna have to wait until my next visit there ( in about a month from now)and see if I have more guts to be walking around NYC while talking to a But don't worry! either if I decide to upload that video or not, I will still have 3 new videos in my channel this week so it 's all good! A haul video went live today and it's my " Bath and Body Works fall HAUL" video, which you can check out  HERE :)   I will be posting 2 more videos ( one on Wednesday and in Spanish but I m still not sure what it's going to b

You Tube TAG en Espanol and my Nail polish collection videos are live! Going to NYC tomorrow!! :)

Hola everyone!!!!! :):):) Here I am with another Blog post ( as promised, can t believe I managed to be organized again this week! Yayyy) :) The reason why I am making this post today ( as well as uploading a new video) instead of tomorrow it is because I will be heading to the Big Apple tomorrow!!!! Yayyyy, I have some paper work to do which kinda sucks but I will try to enjoy myself there as much as I can :) I gotta back in like a month to pick up the paperwork I m dropping now so yeah, I guess I will take a look at the bright side of the situation which is that NYC is one of my most favorite cities in the world, I will hopefully do some shopping ( I will make a haul video for u guys of course) and I will try to "Vlog" for the first, I gotta admit I am feeling a bit nervous about doing that because I don 't wanna look stupid talking to a camera while walking around and hopefully I have some guts and go ahead and do it so you can somehow check out

Videos coming up this week and heading to NYC on Fri!! :)

Hello everyone!! Hope you are not having a case of the Mondays today... he he I wanted to make this post to let you know what videos I will be uploading this week :) My " Nail polish collection part 1" video went live today and you can watch it HERE My other 2 videos that will go live this week are: * TAG de You Tube ( In Spanish and it will go live on Wednesday) and  * 10 things that make me happy TAG ( Same as the Spanish version but in English, it will go live on Thursday because I will be spending the day in NYC on Friday) Speaking of NYC, I will bring my small point and shoot camera with me that day so I can Vlog a lil bit for you guys that day, I ve never done that before so I can't promise it is going to come out very cute but well, I will try!! ( that Vlog video will be up probably on Monday or sometime next week) I hope you guys have an amazing week and I will be back with another post towards the end of the week or after I come back from NY

My " 10 cosas que me hacen feliz" tag and " 50 things about me" tag videos are up!! :)

Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! :):):) Even though I m feeling pretty tired after a busy week, I m feeling very happy as well because I got a lot of stuff done ( one of those things was recording and uploading 3 videos this week and ON TIME:):) so yeah very happy about that! Hope your weekend is starting right and if that is not the case, I hope your day got at least a bit better after reading this post.. he he I uploaded 2 new videos after my last Monday's post: * My " 10 cosas que me hacen feliz" TAG, you can check it out  here ( Disfruten la participacion de Trinity) And my latest video that went live TODAY, * "50 things about me" TAG, I had a blast filming it and y ou can check it out here I hope you guys have an amazing weekend, feel free to request any videos that you would like to see and I will be back with another post on Monday :) Love ya!! xoxoxoxo Leslie E mail me: ( Business inquiries only) @  Follow me on Inst

For new videos are up!! And sorry for being MIA ( Again....)

Hello everyone!!! I hope all of you had a great start of the week :) I know I ve been neglecting my Blog ( once again) for once you check all my new 4 videos that went up recently, you will probably understand why :):) I have been a busy lady and it s been a week now, been busy but happy!! because I m fostering an adorable ( but crazy hyper) Beagle mix puppy from the shelter where I volunteer at :):) If you wanna see more pics of her you should follow me on Instagram, I will be posting plenty more pics of that cutie there very soon! Going back to the videos subject :), the four videos that went up since I made my last post here are:   * My 2014 August favorites  * Loca por los labiales TAG ( Lip products addict tag) * Introducing my foster doggy to all of you :) Here is a pic from my cute baby :) And my latest video, my Top 10 nail polish favorites Make sure you check them out, grab a drink or snack before you start because 4 videos is a lot to watch, sp

My Coastal Scents Revealed 2 palette first impressions video is live!! :)

Hello everyone and Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! if you are in the US, I hope u r ready to enjoy the long weekend :) So this is going to be a quick post to let you guys know that my Coastal Scents Revealed 2 palette first impression video went live this afternoon :) I also made swatches of every color so you can have an idea of what the pigmentation is, etc. I will be using that palette to do my make up look for my August 's favorites video which I will be filming tomorrow :) and I might make a make up tutorial using that palette sometime next week if I feel confident enough! Check out my Revealed 2 palette video here :)   To purchase the Coastal Scents Revealed 2 palette check out my Amazon Store page  here      Love ya guys and I will be back with another video and post on Monday ( My August's favorites) :) Have a great weekend!! xoxo Leslie My links: E mail me: ( Business inquiries only) @  Follow me on Instagram: bairesg

I am back!!!!! and with some examples of Paleo dishes for you guys :)

It seems like it has been forever since my last post in here..... I m sorry sorry sorry everyone!! but I have been busy with life in general and focusing on my You Tube channel instead so for one reason or another I haven't had time to update my Blog for over 10 days now... ouch!! To make it up to you I m posting some pics of my favorite paleo dishes that I ve enjoyed during my 4 weeks of full paleo and I will continue to enjoy now ( remember, I m still doing Paleo due to the great results I got ( lost 10.6 lbs total) but I m also enjoying myself once a week with some yummy treat meal!! Here are some of my fave Paleo dishes, hope you like them and if you have any questions, please leave me a comment here or on my   Youtube channel and I will get back to you asap! Have a great weekend!! Leslie Fish and sweet potato fries Sausage and peppers Pork chops with sweet potato fries and bell peppers Banana pancakes with almond butter Fish, salsa and guacamole

Paleo banana pancakes recipe and video :)

Hello everyone!! and Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! :):):) On this post and video I wanted to show you guys how I make my super easy, quick and yummy Paleo banana pancakes :) It is extremely easy and if you love pancakes or bananas or a yummy breakfast in general I suggest you give them a try! All you need is ( This quantities are for 2 pancakes only so if you want to make more you are gonna have to double or triple the ingredients, etc) * One banana * One egg * Coconut oil, 1 teaspoon ( Just so the pancake mix doesn't stick to the pan) * Strawberries or blueberries or any fruit you would like to add to the mix   * Almond or peanut butter, if you want to give this breakfast a sweeter touch! The preparation steps are super easy! 1)First you are gonna smash the banana 2) Add the egg and mix everything very well! 3) Add the strawberries or blueberries to the mix 4) Put the pan on the stove and wait for it to get hot, add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, move it around to

My " favorite Drugstore eyeshadow palettes" video is live!!

Happy Monday everyone!!!! ( Well by the time you read this post it's probably gonna be Tuesday but still... hope your Monday was pretty good and you didn't have a " Case of the Mondays" I wanted to make this post to let you girls know that my " Favorite Drugstore eyeshadow palettes" video is live! :) I chose some of my most favorite affordable and great quality eyeshadow palettes that you can find at most Drugstores near you. Remember you can also get these products on my AMAZON STORE page so make sure you check it out! Check out the video   here ! :) The palettes mentioned on the video are:  * Wet N' Wild " Walking on Eggshells" Color Icon trio. * Wet N' Wild " Silent treatment" Color Icon trio. * Maybelline EyeStudio " Legendary lilac" (4 Eyes shadows ) * Wet N' Wild " Comfort zone" Color Icon ( 8 Eyes shadows ) *** The swatches below are on the same order as the palettes were mentioned on

I added some of the products mentioned my last video into my AMAZON store page :)

Hello there ladies!! I wanted to make this quick post to let you know that I added some of the products mentioned on my last video ( most of them were there already) . As you know I always try to add the mentioned products there and sometimes I find cheaper versions of high end products and with great reviews, it 's always nice to save some $$ right? Check out my store  here :) Have a great Sunday night and I will be back with another post and video tomorrow ( Drugstore eye shadows favorites) ; feel free to request videos you would like to see or posts  u want me to make either here or leave me a comment on one of my videos or any of my social media accounts! Love you guys!! xoxoxoxo Leslie My links: Follow me on Instagram: bairesgirl Follow me on Twitter @ bairesgirl83 Check out my Facebook page: Check out my You tube channel  Check out my  Pinterest page ( I post lots of Paleo recipes, beauty tips, fashion, etc there) *** Get paid

My paleo diet update and my drugstore lip favorites videos are live!! :)

Hello everyone!!!! :) Hope you are doing well and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! :) I apology for taking me so long to make this post, my Paleo update video was supposed to be uploaded on Monday night, after dealing with a few tech issues I thought the video was finally uploaded BUT to my surprise it wasn't so I had to re upload it and I did that on Wednesday s night, finally! Anyways here I m with this post to let you know that 2 more videos went live this week, one of them was the Paleo diet update one of course and my 2nd one that went live today is the " Drugstore lip favorites" video which I hope you enjoy as well! Check out my channel at: , make sure you hit the like button if you like the videos or find them helpful and don't forget to subscribe!!! :) Here are the thumbnails of both of my videos , feel free to request any videos you would like to see, don't be shy guys!!! In another note, I created a twitter account! Yayyy

My July's 2014 beauty favorites video is live!!

Hello everyone!!! It feels like I haven 't made a post here in a while and the last one was on Monday... I have been very busy again this week with school, doing some pretty good job hunt ( I m trying to get a job on the veterinary field since I m studying to be a vet assistant so wish me luck guys!!) Anyways, enough rambling he he Let's get into my last video s details :) My latest video ( It went up on Fri) is my " July 's beauty favorites", it s the first time I make a favorites video and I really liked it :), I hope to make an August's faves vid as well and I hope to be able to do some more shopping this month since I wasn't really able to shop much last month, that's why the products I showed you guys are not new releases... The products mentioned on my video are: * Kiehl's Clearly corrective dark spot solution ( Available on my amazon store page) * Lush lip scrub ( Mint julips) ( I found a great alternative for almost the same pr

My I love drugstore make up TAG video is live!!

Hello everyone!!! Hope you all had an amazing weekend and hope you are not having a case of the Mondays I wanted to let you know that my " I love drugstore make up TAG" video is now live! :):) I know many of you ( just like me) LOVE affordable, decent quality make up so I wanted to make this tag for you guys! There's some good quality make up that you can find at the drugstore and these products mentioned on my last video are some of my favorites. Personally, I like mixing up drugstore make up and some high end make up as well because both have their pros and cons and in both case you can find great products and well.... not so great products, if you know what I mean! he he So anyways, here is the list of the products that I mentioned on my video: * Revlon colorburst lip butter ( Wild watermelon) *  Milani statement lipstick ( Flamingo pose) ( Find the amazon link on my store page to purchase it!) * Maybelline Instant age rewind eraser dark circles

My summer must - haves video is live!! :)

Hola!! Hope everyone 's having an amazing Friday ( well it s Friday 's night so you must read my post sometime over the weekend...ha ha) Anyways, I wanted to let you guys know that my " Summer must - haves" video is live! :) I hope this video is useful so you can get an idea of what products to get and remember, this is my personal opinion so there might be a product I love and you don't care for that much... that is alright, that's what so fun about beauty and life in general, we are all different and that's how it should be!  I included a mix of skin and hair products along with some make up favorites I love using during the summer season :) Here 's the link for the video:    The products mentioned on my video are:   * Organics sea mineral moisture treatment * " Bed head" by TIGI ( I found this smaller size at Target) * Johnson's baby lotion ( Honey apple) * Jergen's natural glow ( Medium to tan skin tones, FIRMING ver

Paleo diet 14 days challenge

 Hello everyone!! I m back with another post and this time is about nutrition because I have done a few posts about make up and beauty in general but not too many about nutrition so here is one for you. My latest video " Paleo diet 14 days challenge" video is now LIVE!! I added a few links about Paleo diet, paleo recipes, etc on the video's description box but I will add them here as well so you can have a better idea about what the paleo diet is, learn some cool, yummy recipes so you can try at home and get healthier and in shape with me! I still want to explain briefly what this diet is about so here it goes; basically what we are going to do ( well, the ones that decide to join me on this challenge) is cut off any kind of processed foods, junk food, carbs ( Bread, pastas, even whole wheat, yeah I know it s hard), dairy ( I am gonna miss cheese like crazy!, cheese is probably one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to eating healthy and all that), all su