You Tube TAG en Espanol and my Nail polish collection videos are live! Going to NYC tomorrow!! :)

Hola everyone!!!!! :):):)

Here I am with another Blog post ( as promised, can t believe I managed to be organized again this week! Yayyy) :)

The reason why I am making this post today ( as well as uploading a new video) instead of tomorrow it is because I will be heading to the Big Apple tomorrow!!!! Yayyyy, I have some paper work to do which kinda sucks but I will try to enjoy myself there as much as I can :)
I gotta back in like a month to pick up the paperwork I m dropping now so yeah, I guess I will take a look at the bright side of the situation which is that NYC is one of my most favorite cities in the world, I will hopefully do some shopping ( I will make a haul video for u guys of course) and I will try to "Vlog" for the first, I gotta admit I am feeling a bit nervous about doing that because I don 't wanna look stupid talking to a camera while walking around and hopefully I have some guts and go ahead and do it so you can somehow check out the fun I will have in that beautiful city.

In another note, there are 2 new videos in my channel, the first one is " You Tube TAG en Espanol" ( For all my latina ladies out there), you can check it out HERE 

and my video that just went live today is my " Nail Polish Collection part two, the polishes I got rid of" where I explain why I decided to let them go, etc, it wasn't easy but I gotta say it feels good to have some space for new and hopefully useful polish now he he :)

You can check out the video HERE

So for next week you can expect 3 new videos ( One will be hopefully my NYC Vlog, another one should be a shopping haul from NYC and some video I have made in English already but I will be making the Spanish version of it)
Thank you so much for checking out my Blog, don't forget to subscribe to my You Tube channel, follow my Facebook page, etc.

Love you guys and see ya all Monday on my next post!! Muahhhh xoxo


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*** Get paid to shop online!!! ( It's not a scam!)




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