Requests for videos in Spanish and " Fall obsessed TAG " videos went live this week :)

Hello everyone!! :)
I hope you guys are having a great weekend so far! :)
I wanted to make this quick post to let you know what my other 2 new videos in my channel were this week and some changes that will be happening here on my Blog at least for a while :)
I uploaded 2 new videos on my You Tube channel after my last post on Monday and those videos are:

* Que videos en Espanol les gustaria ver?? ( What videos in Spanish would you like to request?)
You can watch it HERE

* " Fall obsessed TAG" ( Featuring my foster doggy Trinity) and you can watch it HERE

So those are my 2 new videos that went live this week along with my " Bath and Body Works fall haul" video which went live on Monday and you can watch it HERE , I got some LOVELY stuff and I cannot wait until I visit that store again, they have awesome candles, body lotions, etc.

About the changes coming up on my Blog it's basically that I used to have a posting schedule in the past ( I would either post Monday, Wed and Fri and then I started posting Monday and Friday) but to be honest with you guys, at least right now I don't think I can follow a certain schedule to make posts in here, It takes a lot of time to record the videos, edit them, upload them, etc so instead of promising to make 2 posts weekly in here, I can promise to make 1 post weekly instead  ( at least for now and until my channel really takes off)

With that being said, this means some weeks you can expect only 1 post ( to let u know what videos went live or something else I wanna share in here) and some other weeks if I have more time or more stuff to talk about you can expect more posts then...
I just don't like to promise a certain number of posts per week and have a hectic week and feel obligated to make those posts in here when I should really be focusing in other stuff, etc.

Don 't get me wrong guys, I love writing on my Blog but sometimes between my YT channel and life in general it gets too hectic and it 's hard to keep up with everything, I just don't like promising people stuff that I cannot keep, hope you understand what I mean :)

And that's it for now, I hope you guys are having a great weekend and keep an eye on my post next week to let you know what new videos are up and all that :)
Love u guys!! xoxo


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 Check out my Pinterest page: ( I post lots of Paleo recipes, beauty tips, fashion, etc there)

*** Get paid to shop online!!! ( It's not a scam!)


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