My " 10 cosas que me hacen feliz" tag and " 50 things about me" tag videos are up!! :)

Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! :):):)
Even though I m feeling pretty tired after a busy week, I m feeling very happy as well because I got a lot of stuff done ( one of those things was recording and uploading 3 videos this week and ON TIME:):) so yeah very happy about that!
Hope your weekend is starting right and if that is not the case, I hope your day got at least a bit better after reading this post.. he he

I uploaded 2 new videos after my last Monday's post:

* My " 10 cosas que me hacen feliz" TAG, you can check it out here ( Disfruten la participacion de Trinity)

And my latest video that went live TODAY,

* "50 things about me" TAG, I had a blast filming it and y
ou can check it out

I hope you guys have an amazing weekend, feel free to request any videos that you would like to see and I will be back with another post on Monday :)
Love ya!! xoxoxoxo


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