Videos coming up this week and heading to NYC on Fri!! :)

Hello everyone!!
Hope you are not having a case of the Mondays today... he he
I wanted to make this post to let you know what videos I will be uploading this week :)
My " Nail polish collection part 1" video went live today and you can watch it HERE

My other 2 videos that will go live this week are:

* TAG de You Tube ( In Spanish and it will go live on Wednesday)


* 10 things that make me happy TAG ( Same as the Spanish version but in English, it will go live on Thursday because I will be spending the day in NYC on Friday)

Speaking of NYC, I will bring my small point and shoot camera with me that day so I can Vlog a lil bit for you guys that day, I ve never done that before so I can't promise it is going to come out very cute but well, I will try!! ( that Vlog video will be up probably on Monday or sometime next week)

I hope you guys have an amazing week and I will be back with another post towards the end of the week or after I come back from NYC so I can post some pics from my day trip :)

Feel free to request videos that you would like to see on my channel or topics you would like me to talk about here on my Blog, you can leave me a comment here, on my YT channel, etc.

Love ya guys and thank you so much for checking out my Blog!!


My links

E mail me: ( Business inquiries only) @ 

Follow me on Instagram: bairesgirl

Follow me on Twitter @ bairesgirl83

Check out my Facebook page:

Check out my You Tube channel:

 Check out my Pinterest page: ( I post lots of Paleo recipes, beauty tips, fashion, etc there)

*** Get paid to shop online!!! ( It's not a scam!)


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