For new videos are up!! And sorry for being MIA ( Again....)

Hello everyone!!! I hope all of you had a great start of the week :) I know I ve been neglecting my Blog ( once again) for once you check all my new 4 videos that went up recently, you will probably understand why :):) I have been a busy lady and it s been a week now, been busy but happy!! because I m fostering an adorable ( but crazy hyper) Beagle mix puppy from the shelter where I volunteer at :):) If you wanna see more pics of her you should follow me on Instagram, I will be posting plenty more pics of that cutie there very soon! Going back to the videos subject :), the four videos that went up since I made my last post here are: 

 * My 2014 August favorites 

* Loca por los labiales TAG ( Lip products addict tag)

* Introducing my foster doggy to all of you :)

Here is a pic from my cute baby :)

And my latest video, my Top 10 nail polish favorites

Make sure you check them out, grab a drink or snack before you start because 4 videos is a lot to watch, specially when they are my videos since you know I like to ramble a

I m gonna be filming another video in Spanish ( which will go live on Wednesday since Wed is my " video in Spanish day) for all my chicas latinas out there :):) and another one on Fri too of course.
Thank you much for checking out my Blog, my channel and all the other pages, you are awesome!

Feel free to request any video by leaving me a comment here or on Youtube, my FB page, etc.

Don 't forget I have a twitter account now as well, you can follow me at: bairesgirl83

Have a great rest of the week!! Muahhhhhhhhhhh!!


My links:

 E mail me: ( Business inquiries only) @ 

Follow me on Instagram: bairesgirl

Follow me on Twitter @ bairesgirl83

Check out my Facebook page:

Check out my You Tube channel:

 Check out my Pinterest page: ( I post lots of Paleo recipes, beauty tips, fashion, etc there)

*** Get paid to shop online!!! ( It's not a scam!)


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