
Showing posts from September, 2014

Requests for videos in Spanish and " Fall obsessed TAG " videos went live this week :)

Hello everyone!! :) I hope you guys are having a great weekend so far! :) I wanted to make this quick post to let you know what my other 2 new videos in my channel were this week and some changes that will be happening here on my Blog at least for a while :) I uploaded 2 new videos on my You Tube channel after my last post on Monday and those videos are: * Que videos en Espanol les gustaria ver?? ( What videos in Spanish would you like to request?) You can watch it HERE * " Fall obsessed TAG" ( Featuring my foster doggy Trinity) and you can watch it HERE So those are my 2 new videos that went live this week along with my " Bath and Body Works fall haul" video which went live on Monday and you can watch it HERE , I got some LOVELY stuff and I cannot wait until I visit that store again, they have awesome candles, body lotions, etc. About the changes coming up on my Blog it's basically that I used to have a posting schedule in the past ( I would eith

My Bath and Body Works fall HAUL video is live! :)

Hello there guys!! Hope you are starting your week right! :) On this post I wanted to let you guys know that first of all, I had blast in NYC last Friday but due to feeling very weird and embarrassed while trying to " Vlog" I am not quite sure if i m gonna post that video online...., I m gonna try to edit it and see how it came out and If it s decent I will post it on my You Tube channel but If I feel it 's not ok then you are gonna have to wait until my next visit there ( in about a month from now)and see if I have more guts to be walking around NYC while talking to a But don't worry! either if I decide to upload that video or not, I will still have 3 new videos in my channel this week so it 's all good! A haul video went live today and it's my " Bath and Body Works fall HAUL" video, which you can check out  HERE :)   I will be posting 2 more videos ( one on Wednesday and in Spanish but I m still not sure what it's going to b

You Tube TAG en Espanol and my Nail polish collection videos are live! Going to NYC tomorrow!! :)

Hola everyone!!!!! :):):) Here I am with another Blog post ( as promised, can t believe I managed to be organized again this week! Yayyy) :) The reason why I am making this post today ( as well as uploading a new video) instead of tomorrow it is because I will be heading to the Big Apple tomorrow!!!! Yayyyy, I have some paper work to do which kinda sucks but I will try to enjoy myself there as much as I can :) I gotta back in like a month to pick up the paperwork I m dropping now so yeah, I guess I will take a look at the bright side of the situation which is that NYC is one of my most favorite cities in the world, I will hopefully do some shopping ( I will make a haul video for u guys of course) and I will try to "Vlog" for the first, I gotta admit I am feeling a bit nervous about doing that because I don 't wanna look stupid talking to a camera while walking around and hopefully I have some guts and go ahead and do it so you can somehow check out

Videos coming up this week and heading to NYC on Fri!! :)

Hello everyone!! Hope you are not having a case of the Mondays today... he he I wanted to make this post to let you know what videos I will be uploading this week :) My " Nail polish collection part 1" video went live today and you can watch it HERE My other 2 videos that will go live this week are: * TAG de You Tube ( In Spanish and it will go live on Wednesday) and  * 10 things that make me happy TAG ( Same as the Spanish version but in English, it will go live on Thursday because I will be spending the day in NYC on Friday) Speaking of NYC, I will bring my small point and shoot camera with me that day so I can Vlog a lil bit for you guys that day, I ve never done that before so I can't promise it is going to come out very cute but well, I will try!! ( that Vlog video will be up probably on Monday or sometime next week) I hope you guys have an amazing week and I will be back with another post towards the end of the week or after I come back from NY

My " 10 cosas que me hacen feliz" tag and " 50 things about me" tag videos are up!! :)

Happy Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! :):):) Even though I m feeling pretty tired after a busy week, I m feeling very happy as well because I got a lot of stuff done ( one of those things was recording and uploading 3 videos this week and ON TIME:):) so yeah very happy about that! Hope your weekend is starting right and if that is not the case, I hope your day got at least a bit better after reading this post.. he he I uploaded 2 new videos after my last Monday's post: * My " 10 cosas que me hacen feliz" TAG, you can check it out  here ( Disfruten la participacion de Trinity) And my latest video that went live TODAY, * "50 things about me" TAG, I had a blast filming it and y ou can check it out here I hope you guys have an amazing weekend, feel free to request any videos that you would like to see and I will be back with another post on Monday :) Love ya!! xoxoxoxo Leslie E mail me: ( Business inquiries only) @  Follow me on Inst

For new videos are up!! And sorry for being MIA ( Again....)

Hello everyone!!! I hope all of you had a great start of the week :) I know I ve been neglecting my Blog ( once again) for once you check all my new 4 videos that went up recently, you will probably understand why :):) I have been a busy lady and it s been a week now, been busy but happy!! because I m fostering an adorable ( but crazy hyper) Beagle mix puppy from the shelter where I volunteer at :):) If you wanna see more pics of her you should follow me on Instagram, I will be posting plenty more pics of that cutie there very soon! Going back to the videos subject :), the four videos that went up since I made my last post here are:   * My 2014 August favorites  * Loca por los labiales TAG ( Lip products addict tag) * Introducing my foster doggy to all of you :) Here is a pic from my cute baby :) And my latest video, my Top 10 nail polish favorites Make sure you check them out, grab a drink or snack before you start because 4 videos is a lot to watch, sp