Welcome to my Blog everyone!! :)

Hello everyone!!! and welcome to my Blog :)
It 's not that easy for me to make an introduction to my blog because I m going to be posting about several topics here such as:

* Beauty and make up in general
* Fashion
* Fitness
* Nutrition
* Life in general, travel, my passion for animals, etc

I have been thinking about creating this Blog for a long time now but I have finally got the energy and drive to do it and it feels amazing!!!
It has been exactly a year since the time I was supposed to start my You Tube channel and Blog and because of one reason or another I kept postponing it so it never happened until NOW :)

I am not an "expert" when it comes to beauty, fashion, fitness, or any of the topics I want to talk about here so be aware that I will be making mistakes and my videos might not look perfect at first but I hope I can improve and grow with time and make more professional looking videos  while I gain experience and feel more confident about myself and being in front of a camera talking to thousands of people out there :)
This will be something like my new hobby because I have always loved anything beauty, fashion, fitness, nutrition related and if someday I can make an income out of this, well, that would be fantastic!, but it is not the main reason why I am starting this blog or my You Tube channel.

I love interacting with people from all around the world and it would be great to connect with other ladies who share my passion for make up, fashion etc, be able to give advice, share ideas, get advice from others and most importantly have fun while doing it!
I was pretty nervous earlier today while recording my intro video but at the same time, I had a blast and I plan on having fun with every video I make and post on my channel.

My first language is Spanish ( but I live in the USA now) and I will be making videos in that language as well so expect my channel to be bilingual let s say because I don 't want to leave my fellow Latinas out of this, so for those who don't speak English very well or at all, I will be making videos in Spanish as well chicas :)

I don't want to make this first post too long so I am going to cut it here and I hope I get a few people subscribed to my Blog and YT channel as well.

You can also follow me on Instagram @ bairesgirl for pictures, updates, etc.
Thanks for checking out my Blog and I hope this is the start of something great, you never know right??, like we say in my country " dreams are for free", you never know when a door is gonna open and what great things are ahead of you, you just gotta try!! :)
See ya all on my next post,



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