
Showing posts from March, 2016

ANOTHER attempt to stop neglecting my Blog... Sigh...

Hello everyone!! I have lost track of how many times I came back to my Blog to keep it fresh to neglect it over and over again... I feel bad about that cause I love my Blog and keep you guys posted about my You Tube videos and all that but sometimes life gets hectic and I don't have time to write in here or I should better say, I find it hard to make time for it.. ( Cause the time is there, we just gotta focus and think what our priorities are.. ) Anyways, I am back now and if you are subscribed to my channel you probably noticed I  have been posting new videos every Monday and Friday which is great compared to last year that I stopped making videos between April and I would love to upload 3 videos per week but I don't want to promise anything cause then for some reason or another that doesn't happen and I feel even more guilty.. I am not gonna post the links for all the videos I had uploaded here since my last post cause it would take me forever... but I thou